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Target Profile Overview

The Target Profile page provides in-depth information about a specific company, including the Prewave 360 Scorecard and further information

Maximilian avatar
Written by Maximilian
Updated over a month ago

Each company monitored on Prewave has its own Target Profile. The information found on this page includes the Prewave 360 Scorecard, Prewave Alerts, Assessments and other Data.

💡 On Prewave, we often refer to Targets as "Sites" and "Site Groups"

Site Group: a company's headquarter, not attached to any specific location.

Site: a company's specific location, such as a factory, distribution centre, office building etc.

Information from all Sites are bundled in the Site Group.

The Target Profile is split into three core areas.

1. Header

  • “Followers” shows the number of how many Prewave users are following the supplier.

  • "History" is listed if a screening has been performed and shows the time frame until when the alerts go back.

  • "Screened" displays a Yes or No answer based on whether a historical screening was performed for this target. By default, we consider 2 years but this can be increased to 5 or even 10 years depending on requirements.

  • "Size" (S, M, L, XL) is a way Prewave found to counterbalance the disproportion of the media presence of any target. It refers to the relation between the company size and the media appearance which also has an impact on the score by a target size multiplicator factor.

  • Colored dot next to site 🚥 refers to the target's status. 

🚥 Target Status

The status determines which actions can be performed on the specific Site.


Sites which cannot be used for Monitoring, Alerting, or engagement with suppliers. Unable to identify the company (Peer Score only)


Sites which have been uploaded recently (with peer score).

Pending further processing to identify the Site.


Sites which have been connected to a Site Group. Can be used for Monitoring, Alerting and Supplier Engagement.

Additional Tooltips are available for more insights.

  • "Following" shows when you are actively following a target, i.e. receiving updates about this company and subscribing to the 360 Score. If a company is a supplier / customer, it'll be followed automatically.


The Follow button adds a target to the ‘My Follows’ collection of the user.

Per click on the arrow on the right side of the button users can see to which collection this target is associated with or to add it to a collection (created via the network page).

💡Suppliers that were added to a collection during the Discovery process will be followed automatically but not shown in ‘My Follows’.

Adding as Supplier or Customer

The Add as Supplier or Customer button adds a target either as a Supplier or as Customer in the system and is associated with the collection in the Network page. It can be used as a way to group targets.

💡 Own Business Area is used to add the target in the Own Business Collection. Typically, this would be done for subsidiaries of the own company.


Add contact email addresses at the target site easily via the Add contact button. These contacts will be used to send out self-assessments or questionnaires.

💡 Adding contacts is only possible if the target is connected as Supplier or Customer.


This button expands a drop-down menu with options to:

  1. File a grievance report / Whistleblowing
    Any Prewave User can file an anonymous report for a target. If the target profile's owner has an active user on Prewave, they will be able to see this report.

  2. Create Action
    Allows users to create actions such as self-assessments, questionnaires or internal reviews.

  3. Activate Sanction Screening

    Prewave collaborates with data providers to screen companies for sanctions and information on the UBO.
    ⚠️ Add-on Feature ⚠️ Contact Customer Success for more information

  4. Report wrong info
    Allows users to flag incorrect information about the target, such as Industry/Commodity or Revenue.

  5. Screen Target History
    Also referred to as "Media Screening". Prewave scans millions of online, public data sources for potential risks and issues about the target.

    Results in the Alert Score in the 360 scorecard.

2. Related targets and Supplier / Customer Information

The Related targets mention the connected info tags.

In general, these are connected to Industry, Commodity and if a Site is part of a Site Group.

Additional information such as the associated collections and the priority of the target this will also be displayed here.

3. Dashboards and Tabs

The Dashboard is split into several areas. Learn more about each sections by expanding the header.

360° Scorecard

The 360° Risk Score is the indicator developed by Prewave for the risk of a specific target.

Each target is given a score between 100 (no risk) and 0 (critical risk).

The scores vary according to the perspective chosen.

The 360° Score is available if at least 12 months of data is available. The score consists of four components:

Additionally, the Tier N Score displays the risks within the deeper supply chain considering the clusters of country and industry related.

The Tier N Score currently has no influence on the 360° score.

The four components of the score are defined and weighted as following:

  1. The Peer score (30%) consists of the Alert scores of all companies in the same industry (Industry risk) as well as the Country risk.

    1. The Industry risk is an assessment of the given industry's riskiness based on all alerts in Prewave in that industry, irrespective of when they were created. The only difference of the Industry risk in relation to the standard Alert score is that the timing is not taken into account.

    2. The Country risk is not calculated based on Prewave alerts. Various publicly available indices published by international organisations such as ILO (International Labour Organization), ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) and EPI (Environmental Performance Index) are the data source for this score.

      Overview of Peer Score Indices

  2. The Alert Score (40%) is calculated based on the impact and the number of alerts associated with the target in question, the timing of these alerts as well as the target's size.

    1. Each alert has a priority that depends on the perspective. The higher the priority, the more impact an alert has on the risk score. For example, an alert with a Mid priority has a lower effect than an alert with a Critical priority.

    2. The more alerts there are associated with a target the higher the effect on the score.

    3. Different events impact the score for a different time and all events impact decays over time. A minor event's impact decays fast whereas the decay of a major event's impact takes longer.

    4. The alert score is normalised based on the size of the target. It is expected that there are more risk events happening the bigger the target, and therefore the impact of a single alert decreases with the company size.

  3. Self-assessments (20%) completed on Prewave by a supplier. Those can also be taken into account in the risk score. This component is only available for those suppliers who have completed a self-assessment. If no self-assessment is available, this component is not included in the score.

  4. External data (10%) provided by the Prewave user can also be included in the risk assessment. External data can be, for example, a supplier's own risk assessment. The score must be provided in a numerical format. This is an optional part of the score and the total score can be calculated without external data.

Finally, the different components are weighted and combined in a single overall score. The score can also be easily calculated for different perspectives. As different event types can be weighted differently (or have a different priority) in each perspective, the score will also change accordingly.

The same happens when you select the Peer score individually.

If you move the mouse over a particular country, a small window will appear. If you click on the small question mark (?), the corresponding indices for the selected group(s) will be displayed.

The evolution of the 360° Risk Score shows the changes over the last 24 months. Alerts are filtered by clicking on a time frame. The score improves each month if there are no new alerts. The graph can also be used to isolate alerts that occurred in a particular month.

💡 The Alert Score will gradually increase to 100 (no risk) if there are no new alerts for 24 months.

Sites and Site Groups

Sites represent the different locations of a company. Factories, plants, office buildings are all defined as locations within a site group.

Site Groups represents a simplified grouping of multiple related sites.

💡Site Groups are created based on brandname, logo and website. Multiple locations of the same brand can be grouped together to enable proper alerting and risk identification across the brand.

Site Groups are location independent.

Only Sites can be referenced to a city or address.

E.g. Volkswagen Sites are grouped under the Site Group Volkswagen.

Brands like Audi and Porsche have their own independent Site Groups.

Company site locations are linked under the Sites tab for the target profile page of a site group and are also displayed on the map on the right.

By clicking "Add new Site" it is possible to add new locations to Prewave, in case a supplier's location is not yet monitored.

Disruption Status
The colour of the location tag informs about the current status of those sites. 

💡Events influencing the status include natural disasters, strikes and other disruptive events.

  • Green ("No risk") indicates that no incidents influence the company at the moment.

  • Orange ("at Risk") indicates that something occurred in the past or will occur in the future which will have an effect on the company.

  • Red ("Inactive") indicates that the location has been shut down.

The risk status will eventually decay, timing depending on the risk category. The suppliers themselves can also make a statement on Prewave about the situation, which then overrules the automatically assigned risk status.


This feature is available for Users with Tier-N plans.

Contact your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive for more information.

Identified supply chains can be viewed on the Suppliers tab. Additional information and functionality is displayed on this tab if you have subscribed to the 'Tier N' view.

The default filter is set to Tier 1. To extend the depth to Tier 2, Tier 3, these must be included in the selection. It is also possible to add other filters such as HS codes, collections, scope, last shipment and destination type. The results can be further refined by selecting the scope and source of information.

Selecting the Tiers is mandatory to filter for accurate results.

When applying such filters the Supply Chain highlights only the matching suppliers.

To visualise the Customs data, click on the line of interest and a popover with the information appears.

How to filter for Scope and Source:

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 14.47.56

1. Scope:

Selecting the overarching category of sources Private, Shared and Public. Public sources are Public Media, Public Customs and Prewave Predictions.

2. Source:

Selecting the specific sources of information.

3. Add Suppliers:

it is possible to add Private sources directly from a Supplier Page. Those sources are only visible within the customer environment.

Clicking on Add Supplier opens a popup where the relevant information can be entered. The supplier needs to be added to the Prewave Directory already in order to link it as a supplier.


Requested and answered Self Assessments are displayed here. This tab is a summary of the information which can be found in the Self Assessment section of Prewave.


Under the actions tab you can locate actions that were taken in regards to the specific target. Users can create actions directly in this area as well via the "create Action" button. For further monitoring of the actions users can go to the Actions Page itself.


Suppliers and customers can upload certificates to the platform and share these documents with their contacts. These documents are listed in this section.

If you would like to upload certificates for your own company, you will need the specific permission Certificate Manager and can then add '+ Add certificates' to your company landing page. Before the certificate is made available to other users within Prewave, our team will receive the request to verify that the uploaded file is correctly associated with the companyand then make it publicly available in the system.

💡 Prewave can assist in Maturity Assessments for your suppliers and browse the web for publicly available Certificates, such as ISO, IATF or other international standards.

Ask your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive for more information.

Sanctions / UBO

On the Sanctions tab, users with these permissions can enable sanctions screening for targets and track and monitor results based on sanctions lists, PEP and UBO information.

In addition to these permissions, targets in Prewave display a hammer

Judge hammer Icons & Symbols

next to the Site Group name in the target page.

This is an indication of ownership or corporate sanctions.

Currently Prewave distinguishes between RED and BLACK hammers.

  • Red hammers indicate direct hits in the sanctions lists.

  • Black hammers indicate that no direct sanctions were found, however there are hits for targets in the ownership tree.


Users with “connection manager” permission assigned to their profile are able to set up the metadata between supplier and customer. Clicking on "Remove", the connection between the target and the association as supplier and/ or customer will be removed.

Disruption Perspective: impact calculated by business interruption.

Sustainability Perspective: impact calculated by degree of influence.

Below on this tab you can find the possibility to add the "Internal score" which is connected to the External Score in the 360 scorecard. In order to be added the Group and Event Type are associated with the prospective information.

Last but not least, in case you want to have further information from Sanction screening the information would also be displayed under this tab after Internal score.

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