1. Has your site received certification for health & safety issues, or undergone an audit?
Which of the following applies to your site?
ISO 45001
ILO-OSH 2001
2. Does your organisation have a formal written health and safety policy?
3. Is your health and safety policy communicated in the local language(s) of your site?
4. Do you communicate your safety standards to your employees in the provision and maintenance of the workplace, workstation and work equipment?
5. Does your company carry out occupational risk assessments at regular intervals?
6. Do employees receive the occupational health and safety-related training required by local law?
7. Do you take appropriate protective measures to avoid exposure to chemical, physical or biological substances?
8. Does your organisation have procedures, programs or trainings for any of the following? Please check all that apply:
Fire evacuation drills and fire safety training
Use and best practice of personal protective equipment
Management of workplace incidents or accidents
First aid in the workplace
Working with hazardous materials (ie chemical, physical or biological substances)
Emergency situations and preparedness
Safe use and best practice of the use of machinery and tools
9. Does your company actively organise work / design the workplace to reduce strain, excessive physical and mental fatigue and injuries (e.g. in terms of working hours and rest breaks, arrangement of work equipment, process flows)?
10. Does your company offer employees the mandatory preventive medical check-ups required by local law?
11. Does your company record working hours (including overtime work)?
12. Does your company keep company accident statistics?
13. Are these accident statistics within the average of the sector-specific accident statistics?
14. Does your company comply with local legislation and the standards of the International Labor Organisation with respect to working hours?
15. Has your company been audited by a local authority with regard to occupational safety in the past two years?
16. Were any grievances found which were not remedied?