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All CollectionsSuppliersSupplier Self Assessments (SSAs)Labour & Human Rights
Labor & Human Rights [EN] - Supplier Self Assessment
Labor & Human Rights [EN] - Supplier Self Assessment
Lakshmi avatar
Written by Lakshmi
Updated over 2 months ago

1. Has your site received certification for social issues, or undergone an audit?

Which of the following applies to your site?

  • SA8000 certificate

  • ISO 26000 certificate

  • BSCI Amfori audit

  • SMETA audit

  • RSCI audit certificate

  • Other

2. Does your organisation have a formal policy covering human rights and working conditions?

3. Can you confirm your organisation doesn't employ children and complies with local legislation for the minimum age of employees as per the ILO Minimum Age Convention (138)?

4. Can you confirm your company prohibits the worst forms of child labour for children under 18 years of age in accordance with ILO Convention 182?

5. Does your company remunerate employees adequately in accordance with applicable regulations and industry practices?

6. Can you confirm your company doesn’t employ persons in any sort of forced labor or slavery?

7. Does your organisation hire workers lawfully and in a fair and transparent manner?

8. Are your employees free to associate and assemble, join unions and engage in collective bargaining?

9. Is your organisation committed to ensuring an environment free of discrimination, harassment or any form of physical, mental, verbal threat or abuse?

10. Does your organisation ensure that women employees are treated equally in every aspect of the working environment?

11. Does your organisation promote a working culture of diversity, equality and inclusion; that everyone is treated equally regardless of gender, ethnic origin, background, nationality, political views, age, handicap or sexual orientation?

12. Does your organisation respect the rights of local communities, the lands they inhabit and any externalities that may arise from your company's functions?

13. Can you confirm your company doesn't unlawfully evict people from and doesn’t take land, forest or water on acquisition, development or in case of other use?

14. Can you confirm your company doesn't hire private or public security forces which threaten physical and mental integrity or freedom of association in any way?

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