There are many datapoints that you control, as the business owner of your profile in Prewave. The aim is to keep your sustainability profile up-to-date and communicate what you do well in your business.
Introduction to Maturity
as well as certificates and more…
When we call a sustainability profile “mature” it really means that the owner has taken time in making sure the data is complete, up-to-date and representative of the current state of the business.
If your business has things to report to users of Prewave who will be looking at your profile, it is a good idea to upload these documents. They might include certifications, policies, declarations, statements, code of conducts or reports. All of this presents to the corporate world that you, as a business, are taking steps in the right direction in becoming a sustainable and resilient supplier.
What is a Maturity Assessment
and how does it affect me?
Prewave runs automated Maturity Assessments on targets (companies) in our platform. This means we go out and find any certifications, policies, declarations, statements, code of conducts or reports that have been communicated by your company. We then validate this information and present it on the Certificates tab of your profile.
If you feel like a certificate is missing after our Maturity Assessment, feel free to reach out to [email protected] for suggestions.
This information goes directly into the 360 Score, showing users of Prewave how mature you are as a company. If we don’t find anything in the Maturity Assessment, this will also reflect in the score.
You can see at Prewave that we have an Ethics Policy. The Maturity Assessment found this information, and validated it. It is visible to other users of Prewave. This will show for example, that Prewave takes Governance issues seriously and this will reflect in the 360 Score of our sustainability profile.
Can I upload my own reports or certificates?
..and what if I don’t have any?
You own your sustainability profile in Prewave, which means you have direct control to influence the 360 score. A better score means you, as a supplier of other companies, will not be seen as “risky”.
By going to the Certificates tab in your profile, you can quickly upload any information that you would like to communicate with the world.
Add your certificate (this dropdown includes statements, reports, policies, declarations) via the dropdown menu. You can also search in this field.
Choose your file to upload and click Save. We only accept pdf files, with rare exceptions (EMRT and CMRT can be added as excel files).
Take in mind that our system checks everything that is uploaded to make sure the document is what it claims to be. The information you upload has an affect on your 360 score, so feel free to add anything that makes sense (and appears in the dropdown).
Once again, a more complete sustainability profile, a more attractive business. If you take the time to improve your profile and show what reports or certificates you have, you are showing the corporate world that you are operating transparently, taking measures and steps to improve your business and actively communicating the status quo of your operations and workings
What to do if I have any problems?
Reach out to [email protected] and we will respond within a day